Recipe: Perfect Mie ayam ceker plus baso

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Mie ayam ceker plus baso.

Mie ayam ceker plus baso You can have Mie ayam ceker plus baso using 23 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Mie ayam ceker plus baso

  1. Prepare 1 bungkus of Mie telor (direbus).
  2. Prepare 1 kg of Dada ayam fillet (potong dadu).
  3. Prepare 1/4 kg of Ceker.
  4. It's 1 ikat of Caisim (Direbus).
  5. It's 1 bungkus of Baso.
  6. Prepare 5 batang of Daun bawang dirajang dibagi 2 ya (untuk taburan dan bu.
  7. It's 1 sachet sedang of Kecap Bango.
  8. You need 1 sachet of Ladaku.
  9. Prepare 1/2 sachet of Ketumbar bubuk.
  10. Prepare 3 lembar of Daun salam.
  11. You need 1 batang of Sereh.
  12. Prepare 3 cm of Lengkuas, jahe 3cm.
  13. You need 5 cm of Kunyit, daun jeruk secukupnya.
  14. You need 4-5 butir of Kemiri.
  15. You need 6 siung of Bawang merah.
  16. Prepare 10 siung of Bawang putih.
  17. It's secukupnya of Garam, Royco ayam.
  18. It's 2,5 Liter of Air kaldu ayam.
  19. You need secukupnya of Minyak.
  20. You need secukupnya of Bawang goreng.
  21. It's of Sambal.
  22. You need 1/4 kg of cabe campur (merah dan rawit).
  23. Prepare secukupnya of Garam.

Mie ayam ceker plus baso step by step

  1. Haluskan bumbu (bawang merah, putih, kunyit, jahe, lengkuas, kemiri).
  2. Rebus ayam yg sudah dipotong dadu beserta cekernya sampai empuk, Tambahkan jahe ya biar gk amis.
  3. Rebus caisim, mie dan baso secara terpisah ya, sisihkan..
  4. Tumis bumbu yang telah dihaluskan tadi sampai harum,.
  5. Tambahkan air kaldu, ayam, ceker, garam Royco, ketumbar bubuk, ladaku, kecap dan daun bawang, aduk sampai matang, tes rasa ya.....
  6. Tambahkan kuah ayam sesuai selera ya.
  7. Kasih sambal ataupun saos, siap disantap.
  8. Penyajiannya, taruh mie, caisim, baso, ayam dan ceker didalam mangkok, taburi dengan daun bawang dan bawang goreng.