Recipe: Appetizing Mie Ayam homemade

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Mie Ayam homemade.

Mie Ayam homemade You can cook Mie Ayam homemade using 26 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Mie Ayam homemade

  1. Prepare 300 gram of dada ayam fillet,cuci bersih,potong dadu.
  2. Prepare 100 gram of tulang ayam.
  3. It's 2 batang of daun bawang, iris.
  4. You need 500 ml of air.
  5. It's 1 sdm of merica bubuk.
  6. It's 6 sdm of kecap manis.
  7. You need 1 sdt of ketumbar bubuk.
  8. It's 2 of batah sereh,geprek.
  9. You need 2 ruas of lengkuas,geprek.
  10. Prepare 2 lembar of daun salam.
  11. You need 3 lembar of daun jeruk.
  12. You need of Garam.
  13. Prepare of Kaldu bubuk.
  14. You need of Bumbu halus:.
  15. You need 2 butir of kemiri.
  16. You need 6 siung of bawang merah.
  17. Prepare 4 siung of bawang putih.
  18. You need 2 ruas of jahe.
  19. You need 2 ruas of kunyit.
  20. It's of Pelengkap:.
  21. It's of Mie kuning.
  22. It's of Sawi.
  23. You need of Sambal.
  24. Prepare of Bakso.
  25. You need of Daun bawang.
  26. You need of Bawang goreng.

Mie Ayam homemade step by step

  1. Panaskan minyak goreng agak banyak,tumis bumbu halus sampai wangi. Masukkan ketumbar bubuk,merica,sereh,lengkuas,daun salam dan daun jeruk.
  2. Masukkan kecap manis,tulang ayam dan ayam fillet dan beri air. Tunggu air mulai menyusut,masukkan garam dan kaldu bubuk.
  3. Tambahkan daun bawang,aduk sebentar dan matikan api.
  4. Siap di sajikan sebagai topping mie ayam.