Recipe: Yummy Mie Ayam Instan

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Mie Ayam Instan.

Mie Ayam Instan You can have Mie Ayam Instan using 18 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Mie Ayam Instan

  1. You need of Bahan Ayam:.
  2. It's 500 gram of ayam (potong kecil2).
  3. Prepare Secukupnya of air.
  4. You need of Bumbu uleg:.
  5. It's 3 siung of bawang putih.
  6. You need 3 butir of bawang merah.
  7. It's 1 ruas of kunyit.
  8. You need 1 ruas of jahe.
  9. It's 3 butir of kemiri.
  10. You need 1/2 sdm of ketumbar.
  11. Prepare 1/2 sdm of merica.
  12. It's 1 batang of serai (geprek).
  13. Prepare 1 ruas of lengkuas (geprek).
  14. You need of Bumbu perasa:.
  15. Prepare Sepotong of gula merah.
  16. Prepare Secukupnya of garam, kaldu bubuk dan dan gula merah.
  17. Prepare 1 sdm of kecap.
  18. You need 1 sdm of saus tiram.

Mie Ayam Instan instructions

  1. Rebus ayam hingga empuk, tiriskan dan air rebusan jgn dibuang.
  2. Uleg bumbu bumbu.
  3. Tumis hingga harum.
  4. Masukkan ayam dan ditumis.
  5. Masukkan air rebusan ayam dan bumbu perasa masak hingga air sedikit dan bumbu meresap.
  6. Sajikan dengan mie instan rebus (saya white curry) dan siap sajikan.