Recipe: Yummy Mie Goreng Ayam Jamur Tiram

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Mie Goreng Ayam Jamur Tiram.

Mie Goreng Ayam Jamur Tiram You can cook Mie Goreng Ayam Jamur Tiram using 8 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Mie Goreng Ayam Jamur Tiram

  1. It's 1 bks of mie telor, rebus tiriskan.
  2. It's 4-5 sdm of toping mie ayam jamur tiram (lihat resep).
  3. It's 1/2 of by bombay, iris.
  4. You need 2 siung of bawang putih, cincang.
  5. It's 1 of telur ayam.
  6. You need 1 bh of caisim, iris.
  7. Prepare of Minyak untuk menumis.
  8. Prepare secukupnya of Garam, kecap manis,penyedap.

Mie Goreng Ayam Jamur Tiram step by step

  1. Tumis bawang bombay dan bawang putih hingga wangi, lalu masukkan telur, tambahkan toping ayam jamur, dan caisim, aduk rata.
  2. Masukkan mie, sedikit kecap, garam, penyedap, aduk rata.
  3. Tes rasa, sajikan hangat.