Recipe: Perfect Mie Ayam homemade

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Mie Ayam homemade.

Mie Ayam homemade You can have Mie Ayam homemade using 22 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Mie Ayam homemade

  1. Prepare of Kuah toping.
  2. Prepare 1/2 kg of fillet ayam (iris2 dadu).
  3. You need of Bumbu:.
  4. It's 5 siung of bawamg merah.
  5. Prepare 3 siung of bawang putih.
  6. Prepare 2 biji of kemiri.
  7. It's of Ketumbar.
  8. You need sedikit of Kunyit.
  9. Prepare of Tambahan bikin harum.
  10. Prepare 3 batang of daun bawang iris.
  11. Prepare 3 lembar of daun jeruk.
  12. Prepare 2 lembar of daun salam.
  13. You need 1 batang of serai.
  14. It's of Kecap manis.
  15. Prepare of Gula merah.
  16. Prepare of Garam.
  17. It's of Totole atau penyedap.
  18. You need 1 gelas of Kasih air.
  19. Prepare of Pelengkap.
  20. You need of Mie (saya pke mie urai merk burung dara).
  21. Prepare of Sawi hijau.
  22. Prepare of Baso.

Mie Ayam homemade step by step

  1. Tumis bumbu yang udah d haluskan sampai harum dan mengering (minyak 5 sdm).
  2. Masukkan air dan ayam serta bumbu tambahan bikin harum dan cek rasa setelah mateng.
  3. Siap di santap..
  4. Mie d campir kuah yg minyaknya biar g lengket. Baru dmasukin toping2 yah. D makan bersama sambal, saos, pangsit..