Recipe: Delicious Mie Ayam Kangkung

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Mie Ayam Kangkung.

Mie Ayam Kangkung You can have Mie Ayam Kangkung using 35 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Mie Ayam Kangkung

  1. It's 1/2 ekor of ayam kampung.
  2. You need 100 gram of jamur kancing.
  3. Prepare 1 btg of seledri.
  4. It's 1 btg of daun bawang.
  5. You need 25 btr of bakso bandung.
  6. It's 2 bgks of mie 3 ayam mie bulat.
  7. Prepare 2 ikat of kangkung.
  8. Prepare 1 bgks of tauge.
  9. You need of Bumbu blender.
  10. You need 6 siung of bawang merah.
  11. Prepare 3 siung of bawang putih.
  12. Prepare 2 ruas of jahe.
  13. It's 2 ruas of kunyit.
  14. You need 1 sdm of ketumbar sangrai.
  15. Prepare 3 bh of kemiri.
  16. It's of Bumbu tumis.
  17. It's of Bumbu yang sudah diblender.
  18. You need 1 sdt of merica bubuk.
  19. It's 1 bh of serai.
  20. You need 2 bh of daun salam.
  21. Prepare 4 bh of daun jeruk.
  22. You need 1 sdt of gula merah.
  23. It's 1 sdt of totole.
  24. Prepare of Bahan kecap.
  25. You need 14 sdm of kecap manis.
  26. You need 1 sdm of saus tiram.
  27. You need 2 sdm of minyak wijen.
  28. You need of Bumbu kuah.
  29. You need 1 panci of air rebusan ayam.
  30. Prepare 1 sdt of merica.
  31. It's 1 sdm of garam.
  32. It's of Bahan sambal.
  33. You need 5 bh of cabe rawit.
  34. You need 1 siung of bawang putih.
  35. You need sejumput of garam.

Mie Ayam Kangkung step by step

  1. Siapkan semua bahan, rebus ayam lalu potong dadu juga jamur. Rebus kangkung dan tauge, mie, siapkan bahan tumisan, sangrai ketumbar, lalu ditumbuk..
  2. Blender bumbu lalu tumis bumbu hingga harum, tambahkan jamur dan ayam serta air. Tambah bumbu kecap, garam, merica, totole, koreksi rasa..
  3. Tata dalam mangkok, dengan sambal bawang, mantap.