Recipe: Delicious Mie ayam ceker

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Mie ayam ceker.

Mie ayam ceker You can cook Mie ayam ceker using 34 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Mie ayam ceker

  1. You need of Bumbu halus :.
  2. You need 12 of bawang merah.
  3. Prepare 5 of bawang putih.
  4. You need 5 of kemiri.
  5. You need 1 cm of kunyit.
  6. You need of °°°°°°°°°°°°.
  7. It's 1/4 of dada ayam (potong kecil2).
  8. It's 1/4 of ceker (ayam+ceker ku rebus 1 x buang airnya biar bersih).
  9. Prepare 1 cm of lengkuas.
  10. You need 1 cm of jahe.
  11. Prepare 1 batang of sereh (geprek).
  12. You need 2 lembar of daun salam.
  13. Prepare 2 lembar of daun jeruk.
  14. It's 1 batang of daun bawang (potong2).
  15. It's 3 sdm of kecap manis.
  16. You need 1 sdm of kecap asin.
  17. You need 1 sdm of saus tiram.
  18. It's 1/2 sdm of minyak wijen.
  19. You need secukupnya of garam, lada, air.
  20. It's of mie yamin :.
  21. It's 2 bungkus of mie telor rebus(ku pakai mie utari yang warna merah).
  22. You need sedikit of minyak (ku pakai bawang putih digoreng trus diulek kasih minyak.
  23. It's 1 sdm of kecap manis.
  24. It's 1/2 sdm of kecap asin.
  25. You need secukupnya of garam, lada.
  26. You need of kuah :.
  27. Prepare 2 gelas of air.
  28. Prepare 2 siung of bawang putih.
  29. Prepare secukupnya of garam, lada.
  30. It's of pelengkap :.
  31. It's of tauge.
  32. You need of sayuran hijau (caisin).
  33. You need of timun potong2.
  34. Prepare of sambal (cabe bawang putih direbus kmd diulek).

Mie ayam ceker step by step

  1. Tumis bumbu halus dengan minyak sedikit sampai harum.
  2. Setelah bumbu harum masukkan jahe, lengkuas, daun salam, daun jeruk, daun bawang aduk.
  3. Kemudian tambahkan kecap manis, kecap asin, saus tiram, minyak wijen aduk rata.
  4. Kemudian masukkan ayam dan ceker aduk tambahkan air sedikit aduk rata.
  5. Tunggu sampai bumbu meresap.
  6. PENYELESAIANNYA : tata mie dimangkok beri sayuran yang sudah direbus, beri tauge, potongan timun, sambel, ayam ceker yg sdh dimasak, sajikan dengan kuah terpisah..