How to Prepare Appetizing #Mie Ayam Bang-abang by c o o k p u k

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

#Mie Ayam Bang-abang by c o o k p u k.

#Mie Ayam Bang-abang by c o o k p u k You can have #Mie Ayam Bang-abang by c o o k p u k using 21 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of #Mie Ayam Bang-abang by c o o k p u k

  1. It's of mie.
  2. You need of daging ayam (potong dadu).
  3. It's of sawi.
  4. Prepare 1 btg of daun bawang.
  5. It's 1 btg of daun seledri.
  6. It's of garam, gula & penyedap rasa.
  7. You need 5 of daun jeruk.
  8. Prepare 1 btg of sereh.
  9. It's 1 of daun salam.
  10. Prepare 1 sdt of minyak wijen.
  11. You need 1 1/2 sdm of kecap manis.
  12. It's 1/2 sdt of saos tiram.
  13. Prepare of bagor.
  14. You need of Bumbu Halus.
  15. It's 5 of bawang merah.
  16. It's 3 of bawang putih.
  17. It's 3 of kemiri.
  18. Prepare 1 ruas of jahe.
  19. You need 1 ruas of kunyit.
  20. You need 1 sdt of lada.
  21. It's secukupnya of gula merah.

#Mie Ayam Bang-abang by c o o k p u k instructions

  1. Tumis bumbu halus sampai harum mewangi berserih-seri :).
  2. Masukkan daun jeruk, daun salam, sereh & gula garam penyedap rasa (aduk rata) koreksi rasa.
  3. Masukkan ayam (aduk rata).
  4. Tuang kecap manis, minyak wijen, saos tiram dan sedikit air. (aduk lagi) koreksi rasa.
  5. Masukkan daung bawang, seledri dan bagor..
  6. Alhamdulillah, siap dihidangkan :).